Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Real Housewives of Atlanta NeNe Leakes Cheating on Husband Greg

I'm a huge fan of The Real Housewives of Atlanta. I love the entertainment and sophistication the show provides. Okay, so let me get down to the nitty gritty. "Mrs. NeNe Leakes." Oh, My where do I begin? Lets start at the root of the problem, literally. The quickweave NeNe is sporting is to plain and boring for her personality. I'm beginning to believe this season NeNe is intimidated by Kandi Burress. As far as hair is concerned, Kandi proved her hair is all natural, while getting her hair styled at the salon. We all watched as Kandi's beautician sculpted and molded a beautiful and creative hairstyle. NeNe, however is STUCK literally wearing the same tired due to the fact it's glued on and also has the nerve to be short. Everyone loves weaves and I'm shocked at the way she has dogged Kim for wearing wigs. Granted, Kim's wigs are very straw colored blonde, but hey if she likes wearing a head full of hay or bad dollbaby hair, who am I to cast the first stone. The Phone Call Webisode was very surprising.

We all learned that NeNe is supposedly cheating with a mysterious man named Charles. Kim struggled to defend herself in the interview, and ultimately was silenced by NeNe's loud obnoxious behavior. So the question we all are waiting to have answered is " Who's Charles?"

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